Friday, January 25, 2008
Christ's Church Kids
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The Well (the alternative service at Christ's Church) has recently decided to start an organization to help people with AIDS and we are also going to sponsor an AIDS walk! My friend Brittany has played a tremendous role and I am so proud of her! She also sent me this video featuring Kay Warren. I was completely convicted....I want to live in three worlds!
New Resume
StoryTime and FITS
We have Storytime the first three Wednesdays of the month from 10-11am. We'll read stories and have activities for the first 30 minutes and then we have a craft and snack time. We always have a theme and the snack and craft go with the theme.
Fun In The Sun (FITS) is a cookout we have once a month (on the fourth wednesday) at a local park.
Church Video
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Jingle Jam
All in all, Jingle Jam was a great event! We had over 2,300 people there! And 25% of our attenders did not have a church home, We used "Frosty" as our hook and we paraded him all over our church, community events, and even on a local news station. My favorite aspect of Jingle Jam was "The Little Drummer Boy." It's the picture on the bottom left. We had a soloist sing the first verse of the song, and it was really slow and beautiful. Then we had one of our middle school boys, dressed in an old drummer boy costume, come walking up the middle aisle playing a drum. By the time he reached the stage we had the mandarin high drumline dressed as STOMP playing trashcans, and then we ended on a really powerful note with the music, trashcans, and our drummerboy all at once! It was amazing. We actually stole the idea from my old church Calvary Chapel (don't worry I called and asked permission). You can look up the orginial on youtube if you just type little drummer boy and Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale.