Wednesday, January 9, 2008


The problem with AIDS has really been weighing on my heart this year. I've been reading a lot of books by Donald Miller and Shane Clairborne and have really been convicted about what I do as a Christian. So many times we talk about God's love but we never show God's love especially to the people that need it the most. It's so easy to love and be kind to Christians in the chruch but how many of us actually are the church? And how many of us actually take the church outside of these four walls! It's so easy to get caught up in our own lives and never see the hurting people around us.

The Well (the alternative service at Christ's Church) has recently decided to start an organization to help people with AIDS and we are also going to sponsor an AIDS walk! My friend Brittany has played a tremendous role and I am so proud of her! She also sent me this video featuring Kay Warren. I was completely convicted....I want to live in three worlds!

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