Sunday, March 23, 2008

I heart Target

I love shopping at Target. As a matter of fact, if I have some time to kill, I'll stop at Target and walk around admiring all the pretty things that I should not buy. The stores are always so clean and the quality is really nice and trendy. One more fun fact, they keep their coolers colder then most stores. So when I buy a mountain dew to go, I can feel the icy goodness running down my throat (I'm getting thirty just thinking about it)!

Although, many times I'm in a hurry and I'll run to target to buy an item and try to get out as soon as possible. One trick I have is to park in the garden section. I always get a parking spot in the front, I can run in without talking or looking at anyone, and then there is never a line at the check out. I've been doing this for a while and the old man who works in the garden section has come to recognize me. He is always very polite, friendly, and making jokes. Many times, I smile and nod at him to be polite but I'm really thinking "Hello! I parked in the garden section and I'm not even buying any plants. Can't you tell I'm one of those people who like to get in and get out. I don't want to have a conversation. I know you're paid to be nice to people, but I'll let you off the hook, can't you please just ring me up and print off that nice red and white receipt-- in all Christian love."

This weekend, I had to buy some last minute Easter Candy on Saturday. Which is a horrible idea, you have to give up your first born just to get a look at some pink marshmellow peeps. But, I parked in the garden section and I was on a mission. As I was checking out I noticed my nice old man. He was wearing bunny ears and welcoming everyone. There was also a mom in the garden section who has also figured out my trick. She had a cart full of supplies and stoped to look at some plants. I guess she was a regular too because this guy knew the names of all her kids. And my cash register guy explained that "nice old man" always occupied the kids while mom shoped around in this section. They loved "cleaning" off all the lawn furniture and chairs to help nice old man with his job. I say "cleaning" because that was the opposite of what they were doing, instead they were getting their figure prints all over everything and smudging dirt everywhere. But they loved it. And nice old man loved it.

I left target that day in a great mood and with a smile on my face. Suddenly my mission wasn't as important as I thought it was. I realized that nice old man was going appove and beyond and it was affecting others in a positive way.

What if we all decided to go above and beyond and totally make a strangers day. I think the world would be a better place. Thanks nice old man. Thanks Target.

1 comment:

Crystal Hutcheson said...

Only you could do a whole inspirational blog about Target. Haha! This made me laugh a lot. I think you probably have to go through the garden entrance to keep yourself from getting stuck in "The One Spot" in the front of the main store area for hours on end... :)

You're amazing, this post is amazing...and I miss ya. That's all.